Objective: Implementing programs for user interface and application development using core java
Objective: Focus on object oriented concepts and java program structure and its installation
Introduction to OOP,
Introduction, Need of Object Oriented Programming, Principles of Object Oriented Languages, Procedural languages Vs OOP, Applications of OOP, History of JAVA, Java Virtual Machine, Java Features, Program structures, Installation of JDK1.6
Objective: Comprehension of java programming constructs, control structures in Java
Programming Constructs
Variables , Primitive Datatypes, Identifiers- Naming Coventions, Keywords, Literals, Operators-Binary,Unary and ternary, Expressions, Precedence rules and Associativity, Primitive TypeConversion and Casting, Flow of control-Branching,Conditional, loops.Classes and Objects- classes, Objects, Creating Objects, Methods, constructors-Constructor overloading, cleaning up unused objects-Garbage collector, Class variable and Methods-Static keyword, this keyword, Arrays, Command line arguments
Objective: Implementing Object oriented constructs such as various class hierarchies, interfaces and
exception handling
Inheritance: Types of Inheritance, Deriving classes using extends keyword, Method overloading, super keyword, final keyword, Abstract class Interfaces, Packages and Enumeration: Interface-Extending interface, Interface Vs Abstract classes,
Packages-Creating packages , using Packages, Access protection, java.lang package Exceptions & Assertions - Introduction, Exception handling techniques-try...catch, throw, throws, finally block, user defined exception, Exception Encapsulation and Enrichment, Assertions
Objective: Understanding of Thread concepts and I/O in Java
MultiThreading : java.lang.Thread, The main Thread, Creation of new threads, Thread priority,
Multithreading- Using isAlive() and join(), Syncronization, suspending and Resuming threads,
Communication between Threads
Input/Output: reading and writing data, package
Objective: Being able to build dynamic user interfaces using applets and Event handling in java
Applets- Applet class, Applet structure, An Example Applet Program, Applet Life Cycle, paint(),update() and repaint()
Event Handling -Introduction, Event Delegation Model, java.awt.event Description,Sources of Events, Event Listeners, Adapter classes, Inner classes.
Objective: Understanding of various components of Java AWT and Swing and writing code snippets
using them Abstract Window Toolkit
Why AWT?, java.awt package, Components and Containers, Button, Label, Checkbox, Radio buttons, Listboxes, Choice boxes, Text field and Text area, container classes, Layouts, Menu, Scroll bar
Introduction , JFrame, JApplet, JPanel, Components in swings, Layout Managers, JList and JScroll Pane, Split Pane, JTabbedPane, Dialog Box Pluggable Look and Feel
1. The Complete Refernce Java, 8ed, Herbert Schildt, TMH
2. Programming in JAVA, Sachin Malhotra, Saurabh choudhary, Oxford.
3. JAVA for Beginners, 4e, Joyce Farrell, Ankit R. Bhavsar, Cengage Learning.
4. Object oriented programming with JAVA, Essentials and Applications, Raj Kumar Bhuyya, Selvi, Chu
5. Introduction to Java rogramming, 7th ed, Y Daniel Liang, Pearson
1. JAVA Programming, K.Rajkumar.Pearson
2. Core JAVA, Black Book, Nageswara Rao, Wiley, Dream Tech
3. Core JAVA for Beginners, Rashmi Kanta Das, Vikas.
4. Object Oriented Programming Through Java, P. Radha Krishna,Universities Press.