Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Middle Class Family

 Middle Class Family


Middle class man always dreams to become 'Ambani'.

Middle class man always wish to Buy a Branded Dress but, think twice or more than that.

Middle class man( like me) some times dreams that one day shahruk will knock the door and give 1 crore rupees to fulfill my wishes, but aaj kal sharukh is telling "mera paisa 1 karode kya 1 rupaya bhi kyu du (FAN)". i mean to say that we depend on luck.

If Middle class man want to buy a house or car, he has to pay EMI for life time i.e. 20 to 25 years( even life sentence is 14 years). By chance if we took personal loan, some banks grab thrice the given amount. By chance if we want to pay early then also we have to pay prepayment charges another processing fee etc..

If middle class man  or his family members suddenly had severe health issues, no aarogya sree card or money. And no one will come to give money because we already have EMI's etc so no another way to repay their money.

Some governments will concentrate on Poor people, they brought with several schemes, it is very happy  that poor people is having facility like aarogya sree.

Some governments will concentrate on business people, they brought with several schemes.

But, no government thinking about middle class people.

This is all about my point of viewing of world, may be it is wrong.

But it is our sincere request to Government, please consider our Middle class families to acquire some schemes like aarogya sree.

I also request people who are financially very fit (RICH), at least lend money for Middle class men  when they need money for health issues, they definitely pay you back.

This is all my point view, from past 3 months i am feeling very bad by thinking all these stuff, that's why i wrote my all pains to share with you. Thanks for reading patiently.

Swapna Medikonda


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Bits and Bytes

Bits and Bytes

A byte is a sequence of 8 bits (enough to represent one alphanumeric character) processed as a single unit of information. A single letter or character would use one byte of memory (8 bits), two characters would use two bytes (16 bits).
Put another way, a bit is either an 'on' or an 'off' which is processed by a computer processor, we represent 'on' as '1' and 'off' as '0'. 8 bits are known as a byte, and it is bytes which are used to pass our information in it's basic form - characters.
An alphanumeric character (e.g. a letter or number such as 'A', 'B' or '7') is stored as 1 byte. For example, to store the letter 'R' uses 1 byte, which is stored by the computer as 8 bits, '01010010'.
A document containing 100 characters would use 100 bytes (800 bits) - assuming the file didn't have any overhead (additional data about the file which forms part of the file). Note, many non-alphanumeric characters such as symbols and foreign language characters use multiple bytes.

  • ASCII is an encoding representing each typed letter by a number.
  • Each number is stored in one byte (so the number is in 0..255) .
  • A is 65 .
  • B is 66 .
  • a is 96 .
  • space is 32 .
  • "Unicode" is an encoding for mandarin, greek, arabic, etc. languages, typically 2-bytes per "letter" .


Difference between Software and Hardware

Difference between Software and Hardware

  • Physical parts of the computer are called hardware.
  • You can touch, see and feel hardware.
  • Hardware is constructed using physical materials or components.
  • Computer is hardware, which operates under the control of a software.
  • If hardware is damaged, it is replaced with new one.
  • Hardware is not affected by computer viruses.
  • Hardware cannot be transferred from one place to another electronically through network.
  • User cannot make new duplicate copies of the hardware.
  • A set of instructions given to the computer is called software.
  • You cannot touch and feel software.
  • Software is developed by writing instructions in programming language.
  • The operations of computer are controlled through software.
  • If software is damaged or corrupted, its backup copy can be reinstalled.
  • Software is affected by computer viruses.
  • Software can be transferred from one place to another electronically through network.
  • User can make many new duplicate copies of the software. 




Computer hardware refers to objects that you can actually touch, like disks, disk drives, display screens, keyboards, printers, boards, and chips. In contrast, software is untouchable. Software exists as ideas, application, concepts, and symbols, but it has no substance. A combination of hardware and software forms a usable computing system. Computer hardware is the collection of physical elements that comprise a computer system. Computer hardware refers to the physical parts or components of computer such as monitor, keyboard, hard disk, mouse, etc.


Monday, September 5, 2016



1. First Generation Computers

·         Vacuum tubes were used which produce more heat
·         Speed of computing was measured in milliseconds
·         Limited storage capacity
·         punched cards were used for I/O operation

2. Second – Generation Computers

·         Transistors and diodes were used.
·          Speed of computing was measured in microseconds
·          Consider about reduction of heat
·          Remarkable improvement in reliability
·          Storage capacity was increased
·          Magnetic tapes were used instead of punching cards.

3. Third Generation Computers

·          Integrated Circuits were used.
·          Speed is measured in nanoseconds
·          Occupied less space.
·          devices like visual display unit for I/O devices

 4. Fourth – Generation Computers

·          Use of micro processor chip
·          Speed was measured in nano and picoseconds
·          Occupied less space
·          Commonly available as personal computers
·          Mini & micro Computers are developed from micro-processor 

5. Fifth – Generation Computers:

·         Use of super large-scale integration (SLSI) chip in computer (super computers)
·         Capable of performing millions of instructions per seconds (MIPS)
·         Processing speed is high.
·         Use of RICS (reduced instructions set computing) for processing
      Super computers are expensive 




·     ABACUS:
     The first calculating machine ABACUS was developed by the Chinese. It is still being used in Russia and Japan.

          The Scottish mathematician, John Napier developed a device called Napier’s bone analog machine around 1617. All arithmetic operations can be performed with the help of the machine.

        It is called as speedometer. Along with basic arithmetic operations logarithms can be worked out.


     The first mechanical calculator was made by the French mathematician Blaize pascal in 1642. It is a simple calculator used for addition and subtraction purposes. Later Leibnitz calculator was designed by Gottefried Leibnitz in 1671. It can be used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


    Father of modern digital computers, Charles babbage, an English mathematician, proposed to Built a general purpose problem solving machine, in 1833.The machine called as analytical engine was designed to perform all the five basic data processing operations namely input, storage, control, process and output.


Introduction to computers


A Computer is an electronic device which performs operations such as accepts data as an input, store
 the data, manipulate or process the data and produce the result as an output.

Main task performed by a computer:-
·         Accept the data                                                            
·         Process or manipulate the data
·         Display or store the result in the form of human understanding
·         Store the data, instructions and results.

A computer system is a collection of hardware and software components designed to perform computations very effectively.

Computer system consists of four parts:

a)Hardware:-Any device of the computer you can touch. Hardware consists of inter connected electronic devices that you can use to control the computer’s operation.

b) Software:-is a collection of programs which can performs several tasks.

c) Data:-it consists of raw facts, which the computer stores and reads in the form of numbers.

d)People(or)User:-people are the computer operators. 


         High speed
        Accuracy --Reliability
       Versatility and Storage etc..


Defense and Military, 
Space Technology, 
Science and etc..


       Spoil eye sight if look on the monitor for a long time
     Expensive to buy a computer
       If Spoil have to go repair
       Use of computers require additional infrastructure such as power supply and Software back up.

A computer can understand only  binary language (or) machine level language (or) low level Language (or) 0’s and 1’s. 

Program is a set of instructions (or) statements that performs a particular task
