Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Development of Algorithm and Flow Chart

Algorithm and Flowchart

Definition 1: a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.

Definition 2: An algorithm (pronounced AL-go-rith-um) is a procedure or formula for solving a problem.
The word derives from the name of the mathematician, Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khwarizmi, who was part of the royal court in Baghdad and who lived from about 780 to 850. Al-Khwarizmi's work is the likely source for the word algebra as well.
Definition 3: A computer program can be viewed as an elaborate algorithm. In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm usually means a small procedure that solves a recurrent problem.
Definition 4: An algorithm specifies a series of steps that perform a particular computation or task. 

The characteristics of a good algorithm are:

· Precision:   The steps are precisely(Exact Terms) stated(defined). It is also known  as                            Definiteness
· Uniqueness: Results of each step are uniquely defined and only depend on the input and                       the result of the preceding steps.
· Finiteness:    The algorithm stops after a finite number of instructions are executed.
· Input:           The algorithm receives input.
· Output:        The algorithm produces output.
· Generality:   The algorithm applies to a set of inputs.


 Flow Chart:

Definition 1: Flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm. Flowchart are very helpful in writing program and explaining program to others.

Definition 2:  A diagram of the sequence of movements or actions of people or things involved in a complex system or activity.A graphical representation of a computer program in relation to its sequence of functions.

Symbols used for Flow Chart:



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