Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I year(R16) Computer Programming(EEE) Syllabus for JNTUK

I Year - I Semester(R 16)
Computer Programming Syllabus
(E E E )
Learning objectives

Formulating algorithmic solutions to problems and implementing algorithms in C.
Notion of Operation of a CPU, Notion of an algorithm and computational procedure,
editing and executing programs in Linux.
Understanding branching, iteration and data representation using arrays.
Modular programming and recursive solution formulation.
Understanding pointers and dynamic memory allocation.
Understanding miscellaneous aspects of C.
Comprehension of file operations.

History and Hardware - Computer Hardware, Bits and Bytes, Components, Programming Languages - Machine Language, Assembly Language, Low- and High-Level Languages, Procedural and Object-Oriented Languages, Application and System Software, The
Development of C Algorithms The Software Development Process.
Introduction to C Programming- Identifiers, The main () Function, The printf () Function Programming Style - Indentation, Comments, Data Types, Arithmetic Operations, Expression Types, Variables and Declarations, Negation, Operator Precedence and Associativity, Declaration Statements, Initialization.
Assignment - Implicit Type Conversions, Explicit Type Conversions (Casts), Assignment Variations, Mathematical Library Functions, Interactive Input, Formatted Output, Format Modifiers.
Control Flow-Relational Expressions - Logical Operators:
Selection: if-else Statement, nested if, examples, Multi-way selection: switch, else-if, examples.
Repetition: Basic Loop Structures, Pretest and Posttest Loops, Counter-Controlled and Condition-Controlled Loops, The while Statement, The for Statement, Nested Loops, The dowhile Statement.
Modular Programming: Function and Parameter Declarations, Returning a Value, Functions with Empty Parameter Lists, Variable Scope, Variable Storage Class, Local Variable Storage Classes, Global Variable Storage Classes, Pass by Reference, Passing Addresses to a Function, Storing Addresses, Using Addresses, Declaring and Using Pointers, Passing Addresses to a Function. Case Study: Swapping Values, Recursion - Mathematical Recursion, Recursion versus Iteration.
Arrays & Strings
Arrays: One-DimensionalArrays, Input and Output of Array Values, Array Initialization, Arrays as Function Arguments, Two-Dimensional Arrays, LargerDimensionalArrays- Matrices
Strings: String Fundamentals, String Input and Output, String Processing, Library Functions
Pointers, Structures, Files
Pointers: Concept of a Pointer, Initialisation of pointer variables, pointers as function arguments, passing by address, Dangling memory, address arithmetic, character pointers and functions, pointers to pointers, Dynamic memory management functions, command line arguments.
Structures: Derived types,Structuresdeclaration, Initialization of structures, accessing structures, nested structures, arrays of structures, structures and functions, pointers to structures, self referential structures, unions, typedef, bit-fields.
Data Files: Declaring, Opening, and Closing File Streams, Reading from and Writing to Text Files, Random File Access


 Understand the basic terminology used in computer programming
 Write, compile and debug programs in C language.
 Use different data types in a computer program.
 Design programs involving decision structures, loops and functions.
 Explain the difference between call by value and call by reference
 Understand the dynamics of memory by the use of pointers
 Use different data structures and create/update basic data files.

Text Books

1. ANSI C Programming, Gary J. Bronson, Cengage Learning.
2. Programming in C, Bl Juneja Anita Seth, Cengage Learning.
3. The C programming Language, Dennis Richie and Brian Kernighan, Pearson

Reference Books

1. C Programming-A Problem Solving Approach, Forouzan, Gilberg, Cengage.
2. Programming with C, Bichkar, Universities Press.
3. Programming in C, ReemaThareja, OXFORD.
4. C by Example, Noel Kalicharan, Cambridge.

C Programming Lab

Exercise - 1 Basic
a). What is a OS Command, Familiarisation of Editors - vi, emacs
b) Using commands like mkdir, ls, cp, mv, cat, pwd, and man
c). C Program to Perform Adding, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of two
numbersrom Command line
Exercise - 2 Basic Maths– Output
a) Write a C Program to Simulate 3 Laws at Motion
b) Write a C Program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa
Exercise - 3 Control Flow - I
a). Write a C Program to Find Whether the Given Year is a Leap Year or not.
b). Write a C Program to Add Digits & Multiplication of a number
Exercise – 4 Control Flow - II
a).Write a C Program to Find Whether the Given Number is
i) Prime Number
ii) Armstrong Number
b) Write a C program to print Floyd Triangle
c) Write a C Program to print Pascal Triangle
Exercise – 5 Functions
a).Write a C Program demonstrating of parameter passing in Functions and returning values.
b).Write a C Program illustrating Fibonacci, Factorial with Recursion without Recursion
Exercise – 6 Control Flow - III
a). Write a C Program to make a simple Calculator to Add, Subtract, Multiply or Divide
Using switch…case
b). Write a C Program to convert decimal to binary and hex (using switch call function the
Exercise – 7 Functions - Continued
Write a C Program to compute the values ofsin x and cos x and e^x values using Series expansion. (usefactorial function)
Exercise – 8 Arrays
Demonstration of arrays
a). Search-Linear.
b). Sorting-Bubble, Selection.
c). Operations on Matrix.
Exercises - 9 Structures
a). Write a C Program to Store Information of a Movie Using Structure
b). Write a C Program to Store Information Using Structures with Dynamically Memory Allocation
c). Write a C Program to Add Two Complex Numbers by Passing Structure to a Function
Exercise - 10 Arrays and Pointers
a). Write a C Program to Access Elements of an Array Using Pointer
b). Write a C Program to find the sum of numbers with arrays and pointers.
Exercise – 11 Dynamic Memory Allocations
a). Write a C program to find sum of n elements entered by user. To perform this program, allocate memory dynamically using malloc () function.
b). Write a C program to find sum of n elements entered by user. To perform this program, allocate memory dynamically using calloc () function.
Understand the difference between the above two programs
Exercise – 12 Strings
a). Implementation of string manipulation operations with library function.
i) copy
ii) concatenate
iii) length
iv) compare
b) Implementation of string manipulation operations without library function.
i) copy
ii) concatenate
iii) length
iv) compare
Exercise -13 Files
a). Write a C programming code to open a file and to print it contents on screen.
b). Write a C program to copy files
Exercise - 14 Files Continued
a).Write a C program merges two files and stores their contents in another file.
b). Write a C program to delete a file.


• Apply and practice logical ability to solve the problems.
• Understand C programming development environment, compiling, debugging, and linking and executing a program using the development environment
• Analysing the complexity of problems, Modularise the problems into small modules and then convert them into programs
• Understand and apply the in-built functions and customised functions for solving the problems.
• Understand and apply the pointers, memory allocation techniques and use of files for dealing with variety of problems.
• Document and present the algorithms, flowcharts and programs in form of user-manuals

a) All the Programs must be executed in the Linux Environment. (Mandatory)
b) The Lab record must be a print of the LATEX (.tex) Format



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